5. Clinical anatomy, physiology and methods of researching of external and middle ear.


Answer to situational tasks:

1. Clinical anatomy of the external ear and tympanic membrane.

2. Clinical anatomy of the middle ear: tympanic cavity, mastoid process, auditory tube (otosalpinx). 


3. Patient 27 years old addressed to ENT-doctor with complains of audition decrease after acute otitis prior (2 weeks ago). In survey bad eardrum motility was revealed. What methoddid doctor use to define the eardrum motility?

4. Patient complains of audition decrease in the right side which has been mentioned yesterday after shower. No ear diseases in the past. Objective status:  right auricle skin is intact, whispering speech test at the right side – 3m left – 5m. Diagnosis and measures.


6. External and middle ear diseases. Acute suppurative otitis media. Mastoiditis. Chronic purulent otitis media.


1. Acute suppurative otitis media. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, treatment.

2. Chronic purulent otitis media: clinical presentation, diagnostics, methods of treatment.


3. Patient complains of sharp earache (didn’t sleep at night) which irradiating to temporal area and increasing in speaking, chewing. General state is not infringed, body temperature – 37,4C, right pinna is infiltrated at the basic posterior part, tender in palpation. External meatus is narrowed, hyperemic, eardrum is not visible, no discharge. Whispered speech – 6 m.

4. The patient complains of audition decrease at the right side, purulent discharge from the ear, swell at the post-auricular area. Patient has these symptoms for 3 weeks after flu. Body temperature  - 37 cgrade, plenty of serous-purulent discharge from ear, at the nose – slight edema of the mucosa. Right ear: pinna is attracted forward, at the post-auricular area – tender fluctuating intumescence. Upper-posterior wall of the external auditory meatus is hanging over, lumen is narrowed. Eardrum – central perforation, pulsating pus symptom. Whisper – right – 1m, left – 6m.

Diagnosis? Treatment?